When ordering a sex toy, the most you care about is discreet packaging. We know this quite well, so from pouches, product boxes, to shipping packages, we designed very discreetly.

For the shipping package, we use plain brown box or padded bubble mailer, there are no sensitive images or words on it, nor our brand name or website, no one will know what’s inside. Due to customs and regulations of some countries, courier service info is required, a customs label is also needed to apply on the package, but we will say it contains “Health Device”.

Plain Brown Box     

Padded Bubble Mailer

For the product box & pouch, no pictures or names on it, we only put our logo on it. The neutral pouch and product box are good for you to store the toy after use it, no worries that your children or parents may find it someday.



Your debit or credit card statement will display a charge to TH.US, so nobody will know what you buy and where you spend money.

Order & Use it with confidence! Shop Now!